SDK for scanners, Windows
"Ultrasonography for Windows II" Software Development Kit (Usgfw2 SDK) is a high level programming library that allows fast development of ultrasound scanning software for all TELEMED ultrasound systems.
Usgfw2 SDK contains setup package of redistributable files, programming documentation and samples with source code. Usgfw2 SDK can be used from different programming languages (native C++, Delphi, managed C++, C#, VB) that support Microsoft COM (Component Object Model).
There are 32-bit and 64-bit SDK versions that can be installed side-by-side.
Developed software can be run on Microsoft Windows 8/10/11 operating systems.
Complete SDK package is available for OEM partners / developers after NDA signing. SDK package is free.
Our standard Echo Wave II software (32-bit and 64-bit versions) based on this SDK.

Previous SDK version see here.

SDK for scanners, Android
"Ultrasonography for Android" Software Development Kit (UsgfwA SDK) is a high level programming library that allows fast development of ultrasound scanning software for MicrUs and MIcrUs Pro ultrasound systems only.
Complete SDK package available for OEM partners / developers after NDA signing. SDK package is free.
Our Echo Wave A software based on this SDK.

Note, by default Windows OS does not support ZIP passwords. To unzip use applications WinZIP, WinRAR and similar.